Benjamin was able to help Aaron Barnard with the Mr. North pageant last Saturday. (Aaron won the title, so Benjamin was part of a winning team!)

They have a costume portion, where little kids help the contestants present a theme. Aaron and Ben and another guy were dressed up like the three principals at North Eugene High School. (Aaron is the one in the purple vest. Ben is the short one. LOL)

Benjamin had to wear a wig, a lanyard and carry a walkie talkie. They had him pretend to speak into the walkie talkie (they dubbed a voice over the intercom) and tell the kids to stop clapping...only cheering allowed. It got a lot of laughs. I would love to see a picture of the actual principals and see how accurately they portrayed them.

Benjamin loved it. He was really excited to get to go on stage. All the costume themes were very cute! There was a scooby doo group that had the cutest little scooby doo :) (I didn't get a picture)

You had to love the Top Gun group too! (or maybe that movie just appeals to my generation)

They gave the kids presents for helping out. Benjamin was thrilled with his cup of candy and stickers. He has also found a new hero in Aaron...he was so excited to see him blessing the sacrament on Sunday. He was just waiting to see if Aaron would say "hi" to him later. Who knows? Maybe Benjamin will compete in that competition some day in the future.