Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tigers and Bears and Elephants, Oh My!

We went to the Oregon (used to be known as the Portland) Zoo on Tuesday. The second Tuesday of every month is $2 day, so it makes it a lot cheaper to go. This was the last time we could go before the kids are back in school (I can't believe summer is almost over). So, we went and met most of the Bevans family up there. Alli and her kids came from Monmouth, and Jeff and his family, Kim and her family and Mom and Dad with Chris' kids came from Eugene. We were later than everyone else from Eugene, because the girls had dance class, but we were able to spend most of the afternoon there. Finding parking was a zoo in and of itself. There were lots of people and of course it was in the 90's that day. We had a good time, though. Benjamin has been growling like a bear and trying to scare people for the past two days. It is getting together with family like this that will make it really hard to move if Alan gets a job out of state.

1 comment:

Alli said...

Good pictures! I'm jealous. Somehow I erased all mine before they got downloaded. Grrrrr.