Saturday, May 17, 2008

Emily's Fun Meet

Emily had a fun meet on Saturday night. We were very lucky (?) that none of the things on Saturday were at conflicting times. A fun meet is just a meet put on at the gym for the students in the lower levels and classes, so they can get experience performing for audiences and getting judged on their performance. Emily vaulting
Emily did a very good job! She was the only person who earned all blue ribbons. She actually is supposed to be moving up to the pre-team class, but it is full, so she has to wait for someone to move out of it before she can move into it.

Here are some short video clips are her perfomances.



Leilani did an exhibition performance at this meet too. This time she did a beam routine. I enjoyed seeing both of the girls perform. It reminded me again of how far Leilani has come since she started.

1 comment:

LeaAnne said...

We have looked at the clips from this and your last post as well..Sam told me he wanted to go to the gym too...(that was when he saw Elizabeth's video's) when he saw the other girls he said "NO WAY, THAT LOOKS LIKE IT HURTS." lol I thought he was right..I am amazed at how quickly they learn! Good for you guys for being so involved and supportive!!