Friday, April 5, 2013

I Waved Goodbye...

I said goodbye to my daughter, Emily, today.  She left on a trip with her grandparents (my parents) today, and she won't be back for a month!  Can you believe I let her go?  I have never been away from one of my children for that long. 

 We had to withdraw her from school, and we will re-enroll her when she gets back in May. It was such a good opportunity for her, though, that we couldn't pass it up.  She will get to visit my brother Mark and his family, my sister Kari and her family, and my mom's two brothers and her sister.  I am sure she will learn a lot of family history listening to them talk, and she will be able to interact with relatives that she never sees.  She is going to attend General Conference in the Conference Center. She will also get to sight see across country and then up the East coast.  They will be going to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown, Gettysburg, Washington DC, Valley Forge, Plymouth Rock, Winter Quarters, the Sacred Grove, Boston, Philadephia, and I'm sure much more.  They will also be visiting graveyards and doing some family history research.  How could I not let her go?  I wanted to go!  :)  She will learn and see so much...I wish all my kids could go.

So why did Emily get to go?  Well, she is a straight "A" student who is way ahead in all of her classes.  Missing a month is not going to affect her much.  Leilani wanted to go, but her grades are just not where they need to be, or we would have let her go.  Emily also got to go because her mother is the only one crazy enough to withdraw her kid from school to travel with her grandparents.  The other parents said, "yeah, right!"  I truly believe what she will learn on this trip will affect and shape her life more than the school she will miss, though.  It will also give her a special relationship with her grandparents, and help her to get to know them better.  I hope she will miss her family, though,  because I already miss her.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

She's going to have such a great time! I'm going to miss her too.