Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sojourn in a Far Away Land - We're Flooding Again!

We have had a lot of rain in a short amount of time recently. As a result, we have flood warnings in our area of the Mississippi river again. I guess they were smart not to remove the sandbags.
We drove through flooded roads today. Leilani took pictures of Alan's car in front of us through the windshield.
You can see the water just pouring through the fields and over the road...
and off the road to a field on the other side. This particular flooding wasn't even from the Mississippi river. It was from the Salt river which runs into the Mississippi. What an adventure we are having!


Kathy said...

Oh, Lisa! Do take care. This would totally freak me out. You're in my prayers!

LeaAnne said...

So Lisa, how's it going Really?? ;) I sure am missing you! Stay dry!

Kim said...

They actually let you drive in that? Looks a little dangerous to me sis. Yeah, I would just stay home with the roaches :)