Saturday, January 26, 2008

I think I might be getting old.

I've been going along through life feeling fairly young until last night, when suddenly I realized that I am old. We were having family movie night, and suddenly here I am trying to explain to my kids what a typewriter is and what a record player is. Then I started thinking about how many things have changed in my lifetime. The first tv I remember was black and white with an antennae. The first video game my family owned was Pong... which doesn't even come from the same planet as the Wii. I can remember how huge our first video cassette player was. There are cell phones now. We started with a rotary phone with the receiver on a cord. Cameras shot 110 film and they printed out 3x5 prints. I'm beginning to feel like an antique.

Then I started thinking about how old I am and realized that it has been 20 years since I was a Freshman at BYU. Whoa! Where did the time go? It doesn't seem like 20 years since I met my friend Mara and she flipped jello on me at our first cafeteria meal together :) If you'd asked me the first day of school if Mara and I would be friends 20 years from then, I would have given you a "yeah, right" look. LOL But she's been one of my best friends through the years. Of course, if you'd asked me my Freshman year if I'd marry Alan Walker on down the road, I would have laughed you right out of the dorm room. Yet here he is, the love of my life. (yes, Alan and I were in our Freshman ward together. I dated his brother Russell's roommate David, whom I am sure would have a good laugh if he knew I married into Russell's family) It is probably a good thing we can't see the future. We would probably run from a lot of things that turn out to be great blessings in our lives :)


LeaAnne said...

Oh Lisa...
How well I know that feeling..Blessings come in ways we are not always prepared for! :) AND..BTW,
You can not be old..remember!
love ya!!!

Alli said...

I feel like a moldy oldie every time I substitute teach. Those kids seem like babies - even the middle schoolers (rotten, surly babies anyway), but I remember being their age. Then I think about how long it's been...I guess we rarely feel as old as we are (or as old as we think other people who've been our age are)

The toothbrush story is so funny!!

Mark and Shauna said...

Hey sis, just wanted to end all question and let you know that yes you are indeed getting old. How do I know? I turn the big 30 in 2 weeks and am now realizing how old I am getting (hoping still that I can stay in shape long enough for my future kids to watch me excel on the b-ball court)...and well, let's just say that you're approaching a bigger marker in your path than the 30 year one :) ya