Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's Time For Cookies

Yesterday I helped the girls make cookies. I am ashamed to say that I haven't done that in a LONG time. In fact, I can't even remember ever doing it, although I am sure I must have at some point, right? I have come to rely on the baking skills of others. My kids have lots of fond memories of making cookies with Aunt Kim. But Aunt Kim is pregnant, and is not usually in the baking mood anymore. In fact she has been trying to get Leilani to make cookies for her. She has tried to make me feel guilty that Leilani is almost 10 years old and can't make cookies by herself. (Did I miss a benchmark somewhere? Is there an age that kids are supposed to make cookies by themselves that I have missed?) So, Leilani had the seed planted in her mind that she should be able to make cookies, and has been nagging me to teach her. So, yesterday I finally made the time. They had lots of fun, and I know it is a good skill for them to have.
My problem is that I would much rather sit down and eat the entire bowl of cookie dough then to eat the baked cookies. But what kind of example would that be? We are not supposed to let our kids eat raw dough anymore because the raw eggs might make them sick. There are so many simple joys in childhood that are suddenly bad for you now. So, I had to sneak my bites of dough. As you can see in the pictures, though, I did let them lick the beaters and scrape the bowl. Amazingly enough, nobody go sick.


LeaAnne said...

FUN!!! I KNOW your girls will LOVE the memory of this day! I loved to bake cookies when I was a girl! I have a great present for you ..I will bring it by when we are al better! (Durn pink eye!) BUT ..Did I miss what kind of cookie? Now I must reread!

Margaret said...

I love documenting my good mom moments!

Good job Lisa!

When are you bringing me cookies?

Kelli W. said...

This was great! I haven't made cookies much with Brooklyn because I'm always on a freakin diet! She does however love her easy bake oven and she's just like you when it comes to eating the dough! And you know with easy bake ovens, there's not much dough to spare.