Monday, March 31, 2008

Benjamin's First Haircut

My little boy finally got his first haircut. I have been avoiding it, but his curls finally got too unruly to lay down nicely - even when we wet them. So, we called up Grandpa Bevans and asked him if he could give Benjamin a haircut (he has been telling us that Benjamin needed a haircut for a while, and he is the official barber to all the men in the family).
Benjamin eyed the clippers warily as he shoved his ham in his mouth so it wouldn't get hair on it.
He would not sit on the chair by himself, he insisted on sitting on my lap (yes, I did get covered in hair), but once he was on my lap he sat perfectly still the whole time.

In fact, Grandpa said he won the prize for sitting the best of any kid he has ever given a haircut!
Isn't he a handsome little man? He was so proud of his haircut. When we got home he went to each of his sisters and his dad to personally show them his haircut. Yeah Benjamin!


Margaret said...

Watch out world! Benjamin is coming....

carizolli said...

What a handsome little guy! Good boy, sitting so still! I wish Corbin would have done that! He was so squirmy!