Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm Back

Wow, that suspension was hardly worth mentioning, I guess, since it was so short lived. When I got home from church, my husband had read my blog entry (see, he is an avid reader too!) and the comments, and repented. I thought it might take at least a few days for him to come around. I think it also helped that my kids told him they were on my side (they love being on my blog!) and weren't writing any more letters to Grandma and Grandpa until Mom blogged again :) What can I say? The man has been married 13 years in two weeks, and I guess he has learned a thing or two.


Margaret said...

Yeah I am glad I could be part of the revolution! :-)

Alli said...

Glad you're back! Now everyone will think Alan's a stinker :) You should do a post about how good he is about changing diapers and mother's day to redeem his image. Leilani looks like she had a great day!!

SusieQ said...

Hooray for Alan changing his mind! I would miss reading about your family and your life.

carizolli said...

*whew* so glad that was short lived! I agree - blogging is creating family history! It's very important - and not a waste of time by any means! Just like scrapbooking ;)

LeaAnne said...

Yahoo! :) We have had days like that too:) I am glad you are back! BTW, I LIKE Allen!