Saturday, March 15, 2008

Disneyland - part 2 - Jedi Training Academy

We love the Jedi Training Academy show at Disneyland. Emilyanne and Leilani were able to do it last October when we were at Disneyland (Elisabeth could have, but she didn't want to), and Leilani was able to do it again this trip. She didn't get picked the first time we tried. You have to wear something that makes you stick out, and she took off her pirate mouse ears and was just wearing normal clothes. The second time she wore the Tinkerbell outfit and the gold mouse ears that she was wearing last trip when she got picked, and it worked again. I am actually glad she didn't get picked the first time, because I like the Jedi master that does this show (he is the same one we had last fall) better than the one that was hosting the first show we went to.

I started to video the show and her getting picked (it is too large a file to load here), and my mom's battery started to die. So we put in her back up battery.
This video clip shows the kids being taught to use a light saber. Unfortunately my mom's spare battery was dead too, so the camera died as I was videoing.

My sister Kim used her camera to video the rest of the show, since my battery was dead. I am very thankful she did, or we wouldn't have all this footage. Please excuse her videoing skills, though. Apparently she didn't realize that if you turn the camera, the picture will be turned too. The clips are short, because she kept taking her finger off the record button. But we love her!
This video clip shows Leilani using her lightsaber and then running off stage when they feel a disturbance in the force.
This video clip shows Darth Vader arriving, and then Darth Maul.
This video clip shows Darth Vader starting to fight the kids.
This is Leilani fighting Darth Maul, but Kim forgot to zoom in before she recorded and couldn't figure out how to do it once she started recording :)

Yeah, Kim held the camera normal this time! This clip shows the voice of Yoda instructing the jedi on how to defeat the dark side and then the jedi mind trick being played on the storm troopers. Then they graduate. It is a fun show. I wish I could do it. In fact, I'd like to go to Disneyland and get a job as one of the jedi masters! (My mom and sister told me I was weird when I told them that :) Can you believe it?)


carizolli said...

Nothing cuter than a Jedi wearing a Tinker Bell dress :)

That looks like a LOT of fun!

Margaret said...

My boys would love that!