Friday, March 21, 2008

Disneyland - the final chapter

I have one last funny story from Disneyland. We were on Pirate Island (aka Tom Sawyer Island) and it was closing down. As they cleared each part of the island, they had a man dressed as a pirate block the path and make sure that nobody went back to the area they had cleared. I was taking picture of Kim, Haylie and Leilani, and Mom was following Benjamin who was running around. When we caught up to them, Benjamin was crouched down like a football lineman eyeing this man who was blocking the path back into the island. I asked Mom what in the world he was doing, and she said she had told him to "go get the pirate." So I went around him to try and get a picture of how funny he looked - just like he was sizing this guy up and deciding if he could take him down.

Before I could get the picture, Benjamin launched himself at the poor man and slugged him. I caught him in mid swing with this picture.
Needless to say, I apologized profusely to the man and chastized Grandma for teaching him such a thing! (while trying not to laugh my head off) The "pirate" and my son made up and gave each other a high five before they parted ways.

This was the only cast member that Benjamin assaulted, and I blame it on Grandma. Otherwise he was very nice to everyone - except for some reason he didn't like Pocahontas. And the cast members were a blessing to me! Benjamin ran off several times the minute my attention was distracted (although most of the time he was well behaved.), and every time I asked "Does anyone know where Benjamin is?" a cast member would answer me. They kept their eyes on him better than I did sometimes. In fact, one time he ran out of the building where we were having a meet and greet with characters, and when I started to look for him the girl said, "don't worry, so and so has him playing out front." I was very grateful!

Here is the "mini"slideshow of our trip. The full length one was much too big to load on blogger, LOL!


LeaAnne said...

Lisa that slide show was great!! I so want to know how to do them! I can't figure it out at all:(
You are the smartest!

Margaret said...

I can't believe Linda would teach her grandson such a thing!!!